Anna - CEO of MYBABYBOXSHOP. Pregnancy gifts, organic baby clothes, newborn sweaters and baby keepsake boxes

Nice to meet you here

Hi! My name is Anna. I'm a soul of MYBABYBOXSHOP
One day I thought: where do parents keep all those cute little things and sweet babies keepsakes?
Where do the first clothes and shoes live?  Where are the sonograms, photos, hospital bracelets, the first tooth and the first curl, drawings, first trip tickets, baby rattle and nipple?
I thought that it must be a very special and beautiful place!
So I created MY BABY BOX!

It's absolutely amazing pregnancy gift to a future mom or fresh new parents and newborn baby!

Our brand is completely created in Ukraine 💛💙

and even in these dark times, we continue to work, accept and quickly ship orders and create new products to win the love of the whole world